STEP 4: Using a loop, we can make a road at each y-coordinate stored in my_list.

The looping code for value in my_list will repeat once for each item in our list! We can make a road each time.

  • Go to the GRAPHICS tab, and from drag out Rectangle inside the loop.
  • Make sure the rectangle code is indented once. One indent ····¬ is 4 spaces or 1 tab!
  • Change the rectangle's y-value from 0 to value. This variable holds a new value each time the loop repeats!

To navigate the page using the TAB key, first press ESC to exit the code editor.

# sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") start = codesters.Rectangle(0, -250, 500, 50, "red") # sprite = codesters.Rectangle(x, y, width, height, "color") finish = codesters.Rectangle(0, 250, 500, 50, "green") my_list = [-150, -50, 50, 150] for value in my_list: pass # delete after adding indented code # add code here
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